Written and read by Ryan & Blake Armstrong at Gordon's Celebration of Life (picture taken on fathers day 2016 before any Happiness samples!)
Happiness Is...
RYAN H is for hero. A war hero. My mom’s hero. Our hero.
BLAKE A is for awesome!
BLAKE P is for passionately patriotic. I don’t know anybody that loved Canada as much as my Grampy.
RYAN P is for Progressive Conservative politician. Apparently we had a lot of P’s
BLAKE Iis for intelligent. Did you know that Grampy skipped three grades?
RYAN N is for newspaper clippings. He would send me newspaper clippings to help me on various things, including my project on the environment. I was told he would help and send clippings to many of you too.
BLAKE E is for energetic. Grampy was 95 starting a business.
RYAN S is for supportive. Even at 95 he came to my graduation and my football game when he knew I wasn’t going to play very much.
BLAKE S is for Swiss chalet. Anyone not eat there with him?
RYAN Iis for being inclusive and always interested. No matter who you were, you felt important to him.
BLAKE S is for his smile. We will always miss it.