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Happiness is...Yoga

Happiness is...Yoga

Happiness is...

...Standing on your head
...Saluting the sun
...Breathing (Deeply)
...Into the flow you go
...A juicy stretch
...The practice

Pods & Pages

Tiny Beautiful Things is an anthology of the Dear Sugar advice column. “Sugar” is Cheryl Strayed, author of Wild, who answers letters from struggling readers with “radical empathy”, tough love and humour. The column is about the power of connection in an often hard, fragmented world. 

Podcast: Vibe Tribe Wellness

Toronto-based bloggers and best friends, Rachel Huntand Becka Crowe, bonded over their gluten-free lifestyle and their holistic approach to health and wellness. Their Podcast shares their tribes (various local entrepreneurs) journey's that relate to health, wellness, food, meditation, mindfulness, and more!

Getaway Dreams

It may be on the other side of the world, but Ananda in the Himalaya's looks like a very luxurious spot we can dream about visiting. Situated at the Himalayan foothills in Northern India, Ananda is considered a top luxury wellness retreat filled with various Aryuvedic practices and of course, Yoga. 

Surrounded by the forest, trees and crisp clean air, this retreat would surely bring peace and a stress-free rebalance to your life. 

Happi Bites

Eating healthy, nutritious meals doesn't have to be time-consuming or expensive. We have found a delicious, "Easy Peasy Lentil Soup" dish that we thought was worth sharing!  With ingredients such as lentils, garlic, veggies, ginger and more, you can rest assured that you are nourishing your body!

Jordana Hart (aka IHartNutrition) is a Toronto-based Nutritionist and Wellness Expert delivering easy and realistic tips and tricks to living a healthy life. You can find her on Instagram at @ihartnutritionto see more of her delicious recipes and healthy living tips!  

Tips & Tricks

Do you take 10 minutes to yourself each day? 10 minutes of unplugged, uninterrupted time to yourself? This could be anything from reading a book, going for a walk, watching a show, or taking a bath. Meditation has many proven benefits such as reduced stress, mental focus, mood, self-compassion, compassion for others, and more. 

"You only need a few minutes here and there to reduce your stress, minimize the noise from the world around you, and gain control of your life, so you can start to live your life as if you carry your yoga mat with you. " (Huffington Post)

Headspace is an app you can download on your phone and it guides you through 3, 5, or 10 minutes series of meditation. Try out the app on your personal device, and see if you notice any changes! 


Stay tuned for next month! The winter season is approaching, and we all know Happiness Is...Hockey

Live it. Wear it. Share it.
